Monday, June 26, 2017

26th June

Discussion alot with parents about her behaviour and what all things can be done rectify the situation how we landed over here.

I realise that we need to do something do get us out of this mess I really need to take help or else we will end up to nothing

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Sanas Birthday Dress

We see a few shops in sector 17 to shortlist Sana's birthday dress.

The red one was actually awesome.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Jyothis Engagement

We skip Jyoti's engagement. I did offer my wife to join her engagement, but she refused. In a bid to protest and show her anger.

This will create a heavy dent in her own self, but I hope she takes responsibility for the same, since it was purely an act of her own foolish decisions.

She herself chose to not go

Sunday, December 16, 2012


I've got some mixed reviews now. I'm not too happy, but got no reason to be unhappy either.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Upskirting: The view under the skirt.
Downblousing: The view under the blouse.

Sharking: The art of 'upskirting' or 'downblousing' in public without the consent or awareness on part of the woman. Had watched this video in late 2004, but today learnt that there is an official term for it. This 'stuff' was invented in Japan and is very popular over there. Even the Europeans have inculcated it.

Now its time for the Indians to. ;)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Yesterday, I learnt that I have a small shoulder. My right shoulder is smaller than my left. Never realised it. A recorded video from my Recycle Bin enlgihtened me abut this. Nobody else had told me bout this. A physical deformity. Do not know whether this is a birth defect, or is this due to my masturbating habits.

Thursday, September 1, 2011